Ego, thrives. Again.

One day, Another time,
In life’s long path, another moment.
I wonder if i will remember this crime
During the serene period of soccer and torrent.

The feeling of being satisfied and bored,
Sets in like a pus in a wound,
Nagging and hurting more than the torn ligament,
This shall haunt me for another three years.

Where shall i run again to hide ?
How can i start meditating to releive the tension ?
In agony, i pray for strength
And I shall conquer, as before, always.


Recently, i was talking to a friend and got into a conversation on some of the greatest poems. One of the first poems that came to my mind was Ozymandius. There are a lot of things that are striking about it ; The way Shelley describes the pride, the sarcasm about the ego, the practicality of the situation and the subtlety in the description. Anyway, without further ado and anymore rambling, i quote one of my favorite poem

By: Percy Bysshe Shelley

I met a traveler from an antique land
Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert… Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
My name is Ozymandius, King of Kings,
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Perfection beyond sight

I long and ache in agony,
Agony filling my being in full.
Such perfection un-noticed
What doth anyone enjoy still ?

Every action in resonance of absolute perfection,
No remark uttered, music created,
Or video produced has even a slight fault,
This blend of perfection, can none but me see it still ?

Life, action, music and movie,
Nothing is pretense or at fault.
If any had a defect, so would the universe
Please, somebody claim that my premise is right.

That which drives me

With every passing second, a new life,
With every uttered word, a perfect statement,
With every action done, a perfect event,
Such perfection, this harmony, beyond limits.
Is there a need for reason to write poetry ?

Wings spread in absolute grace,
The rythm running through the veins,
Every moment, every syllable born,
Eternal bliss beyond.
Do i need another reason to write poetry ?

Ironically unsatisfied

A session in glory after a long wait,
Whither thy will to learn.
Failing miserably even the simplest test
This mind feels sore and in unrest.

Basics, complicated by words,
Eludes the mind in vigorous anxiety.
Never has this feeling come before
Such fear, in the path of passion, flesh devoured.

All my professor wanted was answers,
Answers that i knew,
but too dumb to say ;
Anxiety it seems, cripples the ego of the beast.

The result doth not matter.
The energy dissipated in fulfilling the passion,
Eats away the peace without rest
What shall i do, to neutralize this irony ?


Love beyond physical and material needs
Is sublime and inexpressible in words.
Blind as a bat, in the darkness that feeds
The passion, the light, is mysterious and a complex surd.

If my passion were a woman personified,
I’d marry her right away without a second thought.
Serenity and chaos, meeting at this origin,
The best perfection attained in all my years.

Wishing that my father were here
To see how this being has crawled forward.
This the only sad thought that now enters my mind
Let unbound happiness shower his heart.


Verse from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad :

Asatoma sat gamayah,
Tamasoma jyotir gamayah,
Mrityorma amritmam gamayah

Meaning :

Lead me from untruth to Truth,
Lead me from darkness to Light,
Lead me from death to Immortality.

My Instant haiku

Night and day has lost its meaningWhither are we working hard ?Coffee has lost its taste.

Zen amidst monotony

Without going out the door, know the world ;
Without peering out the window, see the Heavenly Tao.
The further one goes,
The less one knows.
Therefore the sage
Knows without going,
Names without seeing,
Achieves without striving.

I really loved it. It somehow connects to somewhere inside me, past the words, past touch. I have been trying to find out the original source for quite sometime but in vain.

Tragedy of life

Wasting away energy on ghostly dreams,
Missing the beauty of the moment ;
The fragile mirror that is bound to be broken,
The tragedy, not realizing this truth.

Arise. Live beyond dreams and bondage.
Let every moment be the perfect time,
For the end of life to enlighten the mind.

Oh thee, my light, my spirit. Rest in peace.