I was recently browsing through some links and in the end reached this page. Maybe you’ve looked into such pages before but this was the first one for me !

The page looks very normal but the animation effects that happened when it loads in the screen was really way too cool ! I was wondering first that it might be some scripting trick and so dived into the source to have a closer look. But i didn’t find any such scripts in any of the pages. It was really scary because i knew that it will take pages of script to get that kind of thing working but this page didn’t have any such reference. And then, in the top, there was this magic META tag which did the trick silently ! Check this out.

<meta http-equiv=”Page-Enter” content=”revealTrans(Duration=1.0,Transition=23)”>

Awesome !!! The page really has a very creative effect eventhough the author of the page didn’t have to spend more than probably 2 mins to whip it up and include it in the page. If you were to do this in ASP.NET 2.0, we could probably include this in a Master page for the site and be done with it !

Speaking of META tags, check out this site which has a complete list of all the valid META tags.

Also check out Shital Shah’s NotepadX. It does really look cool, not to mention the source is also included ! Very cool.