    If nuclear power was used to the fullest practical extent in the United States, we would need about 300 power plants of the type now in use. The waste produced each year would then be enough to kill (300 x 50 million =) over 10 billion people. I have authored over 250 scientific papers over the past 35 years presenting tens of thousands of pieces of data, but that &#8220;over 10 billion&#8221; number is the one most frequently quoted. Rarely quoted, however, are the other numbers given along with it: we produce enough chlorine gas each year to kill 400 trillion people, enough phosgene to kill 20 trillion, enough ammonia and hydrogen cyanide to kill 6 trillion with each, enough barium to kill 100 billion, and enough arsenic trioxide to kill 10 billion. All of these numbers are calculated, as for the radioactive waste, on the assumption that all of it gets into people. I hope these comparisons dissolve the fear that, in generating nuclear electricity, we are producing unprecedented quantities of toxic materials.

  </span><span style=";font-family:verdana;font-size:85%;"  >&#8211; If you ask me, that is a profound and insightful statement. Another thumbs up for the book ! Definitely a must read for everyone &#8211; both pro and anti nuclear folks.</span>

  <span style=";font-family:verdana;font-size:85%;"  ><a href="http://www.phyast.pitt.edu/%7Eblc/book/">Link</a> via <a href="http://science.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=161804&cid=13529161">Slashdot</a></span></div> 
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