So what do you say we give another shot to kill ’em writer’s block.

Am hearing Satriani with a bottle of good wine, after watchin a fantastic movie, and here’s me talking sane, as my insane hands type all by ’emself.

No I ain’t drunk. Or atleast not yet. But definitely am bitter at the feeble self typing this message. Feedback of sorts, I’ve been promising for months to keep this blog aloft and failed quite miserably. And now, I come to realization that maybe I should write no matter what since all those beautiful thoughts in my head seem to need an outlet.

Imperceptible as it might all seem, folks don’t get fooled by my changed writing accent. Here, now, I vow to write to my heart’s desire once again to reclaim this space I’ve ignored for so long.

Life has been harsh but has not taken a toll on me yet. I’ve seen worse as compared to where I am and so I have prevailed life’s cruel efforts to keep me down. People have called me “insensitive” to their pain, folks that have known me closely for 10 years but believe me, I’ve changed not. This coming year, I promise thee to deliver content worthy of thou time and enlightening enough to defeat buddha’s words.

Here’s another, to a happy new year !