Random thoughts

Reality and fantasy, differs by just a thin line
But it is all in the mind that believes both to be real
Above doubts, race of thoughts do decline
Until there are none, and drifts back into the surreal.

Where goeth the path of the motivated ?
Where does the truth lead the broken mind ?
All good and evil concealed in this single head
Illusions and reality do not seem any different.

Am i to find the perfect action among all the others ?
Aren’t all actions equally righteous ?
When the enlightment occurs during meditation,
The flash purifies and gives light to the self within.

How many things i have wished, and wanted
If the will is strong enough, it does not wane
Nor give up the desire to do the unlimited
If and only if the mind is still sane.
All Tsunamis do seem miniscule compared to this will !

Night outs.

The elation with a relation

Weird Science 7

Weird Science 6

A very nice trick. But i have no clue where i got this from though. Will post the link if i find it ! It is Wicked 😉

Get Instantly Arrested

Success in failure

A test so trivial that even a whiner wouldn’t care
Floods this heart with so much pain and despair
Where from did this start, this passion for perfection
That it hurts to lose and spirals back into affliction ?

Weird it is. Or so it does seem.
As though a task needs to be completed, like in a dream,
Something strange at work pushes constantly
This psychic that aspires beyond chains.

The truth as always, is hidden to the naked eye.
Obvious and resplendent only when the mind awakes in pain
We learn by repetition and so i repeat.
All is good and chain of events continues without a dead beat.

Painkillers, the story

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The touch of Death

Dreams and hallucinations like a bitter emotionHaunts the mind that evolves constantlyThe expansion of thoughts into unresolved boundariesReaching beyond the abysmal depths ;All the questions remain unanswered forever.

Toughest Week ever.


    <div align="justify">
      <span style="font-family:verdana;font-size:85%;">Graded 40 papers of undergraduate students, and being the first time, made sure i got this right, with enough comments, and not being too mean. And yeah, everyone was satisfied, including my prof !</span>
    <div align="justify">
      <span style="font-family:verdana;font-size:85%;">Completed 3 homework assignments, in 624, 606 and Math 602 ! And did them well too !</span>
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      <span style="font-family:verdana;font-size:85%;">Finished a lab report for 606 on a single night. It came out well though i found out that i failed to discuss some things that were required .. Well i guess that is just the downside of working with deprived sleep.</span>
    <div align="justify">
      <span style="font-family:verdana;font-size:85%;">And yeah, the Research work for my proposal. The code came out quite well and i solved the equations right. The answer is still not right but working on it. Definitely a huge step forward and i am finally understanding clearly on what i am doing !</span>
    <div align="justify">
      <span style="font-family:verdana;font-size:85%;">My home computer crashed. But the hardware guy in me ripped open the computer and fixed it ! Voila ! Now it works like a breeze &#8230;</span>

<p align="justify">
  <span style="font-family:verdana;font-size:85%;">The only weirdest part is that my back hurts badly due to the averaged out 4 hours of sleep every day. Think this might be a bit too much for the body to handle right now but my mind seems to be calm and sane enough ! hmm &#8230; Can&#8217;t wait for this day to get over. Would love to go home, cook something, probably get drunk and sleep like a maniac.</span>

<p align="justify">
  <span style="font-family:verdana;font-size:85%;">And there was my life this week in a nutshell. Adios amigo ! Will be back soon 😉</span>

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Energy, the ultimate, untouchable yet filling,
Stored yet just hoarded, the potential unrealized
In every grain, that thrives and vibrates
In unison with everything else around it.

The split personality that it essentially is
The dark and its opposite
The vibrant and the calm
The visible and the imperceptible.

The overwhelming feeling of power over body
Surely wanes as the energy dies out
No food nor drink can refill this cup
Unless a higher path is reached and felt.

Unrest descends only to waste away
This conserved momentum and energy
If not consumed by the ascending mind
To break the body into divine shape.